Company history

  • The company F/A Fehleranalyse Elektronik GmbH was founded in 1996 by Dr. J. Puntigam and H. Gutbrod.


  • In August 2014 M. Sc. Lukas Puntigam joined the team. 


  • Since 01.01.2015 Dr. J. Puntigam is the sole executive director, as H. Gutbrod retired from the management and company.


  • His position was filled by M. Econ. Daniela Puntigam-Liendlbauer.


  • In 2015 the tools for analysis were expanded by an X-ray inspection device, allowing non-destructive inspection.


  • The company F/A Fehleranalyse Elektronik GmbH currently employs three people.


  • In the spring of 2021, we replaced the LEO 430 SEM (Zeiss-Leica) with the newer model EVO 15 (Zeiss) to guarantee the highest quality for your analysis.


